
We meet at 8.15 for payment and identification. After that, the course is held in our theory room. We offer ”swedish fika” so that you can handle the entire course.

Time: 8.15-12.30
Upcoming dates:

  • Friday 4 April

  • Thursday 8 May 


Riskone is the first part of the two part mandatory Risk Education that all new drivers have to complete.
Riskone is a theoretical course aimed at increasing the awareness of the risks of alcohol, drugs, fatigue and other behaviours in traffic.

All participants are requiered to take an active part in discussions during the course. Therefore it’s important that you understand and are able to communicate in English. The goal is to become aware of potential risks, reflect over decisions and values and realize how to make safe and responsible choices in traffic.

Riskone can be conducted at any point during your driving education.
The course has to be completed before you can take the theoretical driving exam.

Before the course starts we will ask to see your ID. It has to be a Swedish approved ID.


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